NoizeBarrier® Micro high-definition and rechargeable electronic earplugs offer unsurpassed situational awareness and clear communication, while providing hearing protection from loud noises. The dual-mode NoizeBarrier® earplugs offer active hearing protection as well as hearing enhancement for extremely effective sound localization and detection.
- Up to 40 dB impulse noise protection
- Up to 15 dB adaptive noise protection
- NRR: 28 dB(Foam Tips); 23 dB (3-Flange Tips)
- Natural hearing for safe sounds
- Accu-Technology® high-definition sound quality
- One-button touch pad, 2-mode operation
- Rechargeable with up to 16 hours of continuous use
- Charging station: up to 20 earplug charge cycles
- Earpiece and case IP67 water resistant
- Charging status LCD panel
- 1-year warranty
NoizeBarrier® Micro